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Psychedelic legal training

A psychedelic training for breakthrough therapists

Explore a comprehensive program designed to empower you in guiding your patients in transcending limitations using psychedelics. Overcome psychological barriers and address difficulties with unprecedented clarity.

Accompany your patients on an innovative journey​

The therapy of the future?

Psychedelics are now a new path to explore for individuals seeking psychological and spiritual well-being.

Numerous research studies indicate that MDMA, psilocybin from magic mushrooms, or LSD could have a favorable and even unprecedented impact on mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or alcoholism. The purpose of our training is to teach therapists how to assist their patients in this approach.

Enhance your skills

By effectively navigating through your interlocutors' psychological barriers

Psychedelic Therapy

A 100% Legal Adventure

The trainings we offer and the therapeutic support you will provide are 100% legal.

The principle of assisted therapy is simple: the patient consumes a psychedelic substance in a safe setting and within a legal environment.

You accompany them on their psychedelic journey and in the subsequent therapeutic sessions to explore their emotional receptivity and recovered memories.

Our trainings

Make you the best support

MDMA-Assisted Therapy Training

MDMA is a non-psychedelic molecule that creates a breakthrough in psychological blockages.

MDMA-assisted therapy is highly acclaimed in several countries for its effectiveness in treating PTSD and fostering a deep therapeutic relationship between the patient and therapist.

Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Training

Magic mushrooms contain a psychoactive substance called psilocybin, which is legal in several regions.

Psilocybin retreats and the subsequent therapies are renowned for providing a lasting sense of peace to individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, or alcohol dependency.

Breathwork-Assisted Therapy Training

Deep, powerful, and safe breathing exercises provide an experience similar to that of psychedelics.

Breathwork allows practitioners to experience immediate well-being and enhances brain receptivity, facilitating a virtuous and harmonious therapeutic cycle.

Combined Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Training

Combined psychedelic training offers the opportunity to explore how multiple substances influence therapy outcomes.

This curriculum combines practical and theoretical knowledge of psilocybin, MDMA, breathwork, or ayahuasca. Therapists are equipped to adapt to future legal developments in the field.

Make a greater impact?

Take a step forward towards the therapies of tomorrow!

Patients can sometimes feel stuck or difficult to help due to long-standing traumas.

Psychedelic therapies provide an opportunity to bypass these traumas and directly access individuals’ unconscious minds.

Why Become a Psychedelic Therapist?

Make you the best support

Unexplored Effectiveness

Discover an unknown realm where the results are absolutely astounding, and where you’ll have the sensation of making a difference in a whole new way!

A Cohesive Community

The training provides an opportunity to delve deep within yourself alongside your colleagues and to experience moments that will bring you closer together in an unprecedented way.

A World Ready for Change

The world of therapy is evolving, and laws are opening the path to new options. Dive into these therapies of the future right now.

Financial Considerations

For a therapist, the question of income is also important! Considering their scarcity, your new skills hold great value in the market.

Our Training Program

A customized training to cover all aspects of professional therapy related to psychedelics.

In-Person Training


Join a retreat in the Netherlands and, if you wish, consume a legal psychedelic substance to fully experience it in detail.


Provide on-site support to individuals undergoing a psychedelic journey and learn the right actions and words to help them delve deep within themselves.

Remote Training

Fundamental and Historical Principles

Discover the world of psychedelics, shamanic rituals, New Age counterculture, and recent scientific research.


Gain an understanding of the workings of the human brain and the effects of neurotransmitters (such as serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol) in conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Legal Aspects

Identify what you can do or say to comply with the laws of your country as well as the legal frameworks in other regions of the world.

Comprehensive Training

The comprehensive training combines hands-on experiential learning (on-site training) with remote theoretical teachings at a highly advantageous rate. It involves a combination of online classes, video preparation, and a 6-day session in the Netherlands.

During your remote program, you have access to a chat platform to connect with the individuals who will be sharing your journey.